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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Another ER trip

Well I spoke too soon about things going better here. This morning at 8:30 I received a call from Jack's daycare provider saying that he was throwing up nonstop. So yet again I had to leave work after just being there for a few minutes and go get Jack. I brought him home and gave him some juice, went into the bedroom to change my clothes and then sat down to play with him. Then all of a sudden, I am covered with orange colored baby vomit that is followed by some more of the same all over the floor. So I decided to take him to the ER because yet again I couldn't get into to see his doctor. I am really wondering about his doctor. I really do like him, he was awesome when Jack was born and had to be on antibiotics for 3 days, but to try to get a doctor's visit on short notice is impossible.

So I had an hour wait in the ER waiting room which was an experience in itself. When I walked into the ER, there were like 5 police officers standing there and a ton of people. I think to myself that some massive accident or something must of happened. So when I was signing in, I just had to ask what was up. Well come to find out that the local high school was having some kind of pre-prom drill about drinking and driving and what happens when you do that. Not sure what all the details were, but teenagers came out with fake blood all over them. I kind of figured out that it was the teachers and parents trying to tell them not to bad things at prom, which I doubt will actually stop them from doing said things. But who knows.

Anyway after an hour of waiting and watching the commotion, we finally get called back into the room. I had called Jim at work and told him that I was taking Jack to the ER and like a good Daddy that he is, he took the rest of the day off and came to the hospital.

They gave him a suppository to help calm his stomach and we had to wait for an hour after that to give him some juice to see if he would keep it down. Of course this was followed by another hour wait to see if he indeed kept it down, which he did. I tell you in the 4 hours that we were there, he totally perked up into the little boy that we all know and love. When I first arrived there, he was very pale with dark circles under his eyes and not his usual go-go-go self. But when we were getting ready to leave even the doctor had to laugh as the kid was jumping up and down on the bed and playing with the bed rails. I almost felt like say "Really he was sick".

The doctor pretty much concluded that he was having some type of reaction to the Amoxicilian antibiotics that he was on for the ear infections. He said that it was a pretty harsh drug and it might be possible that he is slightly allergic, but not to jump to that conclusion yet but to be cautious in the future over the use of it. So we were told to stop giving the antibiotics to him and he basically can't eat anything until tomorrow except liquids. The nurse mentioned that after tomorrow he can have the Brat diet. I looked at her like "What the hell is that?" Then she looked at me as if to say "oh yeah she's a new mother" and went on to explain that the BRAT diet was bananas, rice, applesauce, toast only for a couple of days. Okay I now know what the BRAT diet is - one more bit of info I guess every mother should know.

So he just went to bed, but I have a feeling that it is going to be a long night. He started having diarhea went we got home and 3 diaper changes later, he is tucked in bed. For how long? I don't know. So because of that, I am off to bed to get a couple hours of sleep before Mommy Duty calls again.

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