Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The new tractor

We got a new tractor today. Jim ordered it about a week ago and it was delivered today. Jack was napping when it arrived. And me? Well I didn't really care enough to stop reading the paper to go out and see it when it arrived. To me, it was just a garden tractor - so what?

However, later when we were walking out to the garage to go to WalMart and Jack's reaction to the new tractor sitting there was absolutely priceless. Daddy opened the door and Jack started to walk out the door as usual. But the kid stopped dead in his tracks, sucked in his breath, his eyes widened and he almost yelled "WOW". He then could. not. take. his. eyes. off. the tractor. He was absolutely mesmerized by this tractor. It was quite a challenge to get him away from this new toy to get in the car seat.

We bought a garden wagon to go with the new tractor. Jim put the thing together while Jack played in the garage and with all of Daddy's wrenches, screwdrivers and various other tools. Then came the special treat and Daddy hooked up the wagon to the tractor and he got to go on a tractor ride! Wow!

When it was time to put the tractor back in the garage and take one very filthy boy in for a bath, he climbed right back onto the tractor and tried to get it started again.

There is absolutely no doubt that he is 100% boy. And me? I still really don't care about the tractor. It's a tractor - what's the big deal?

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