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Friday, May 13, 2005

I knew it was gonna happen...

Jack is now sick. The poor thing yesterday had a 104 temp at daycare. So today I missed yet another day at work and took him to the doctor. He has infection in both ears and the doctor can hear congestion in his chest. Yep he's sick. Not sure if I gave him what I had or he gave it to me, but its obvious that we both have the same thing. Of course this being a Friday and all, his doctor wasn't in and so therefore couldn't get him in to see him. So I had to take him to Urgent Care and wait for over an hour in the waiting room. Do you know how hard it is to keep a very miserable, sick, grumpy boy somewhat entertained for that long? I mean there is just so many times you can play with the beads-on-the-wire toy thingy. There was another little boy there 3 months younger than Jack who did entertain Jack for a few minutes. That is until the other little boy named Travis started pushing Jack and well Jack started screaming. After that, the time went painfully slow until they called his name. And of course once you get in a room to see the doctor there is another 15 minute wait. During this time, I tried to entertain him with the throat sticks, but that only went so far.

So the long story short - Jack is also sick. I am still recovering myself and think that very soon I will be hacking up a lung or some other organ. Good times in the Jackaroo household.

So enough of the bad stuff. I realized that lately my posts have been about me being sick, Jack being sick, me being stressed over work, etc. So in light of that, I think I need to mention some of the really cute things that Jack has been doing lately.

He says "uh oh" all the time now. It is his favorite thing to say. He drops something and says "uh oh". So cute.

He also says "thank you" or I should say copies me when I say it. He will hand me something and I will say "thank you" and then he will say it also. So cute.

He is a very generous little boy. He always offers whatever he is eating to me or Daddy. And if we say "no thank you", he will forcibly try to stuff it in our mouths. I guess he wants to make sure we eat.

He walks all over the house now. I will see him walking down the hall babbling about something very important I am sure. He will pick up objects and carry them all over. The other day he had two fly swatters and was carrying them around for like an hour.

He is now one of the big kids at day care. Most mornings he will walk right into her house and right into the play room like the big kids do without even looking back at me. I am not even a thought to him at those times. Sigh.

He loves to play with Mega Blocks. He will sit there and stack them up and I must say that for a 14-month old, he makes some pretty impressive creations with his blocks. I have to admit also that I enjoy playing with the blocks myself, but a lot of times Jack will come along and tear my creation apart.

He is so much fun these days for the most part. However, we are dealing with temper tantrums. Like when I close the door to the backyard and just sits down on his little butt and screams. I can feel the terrible twos coming very fast.

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