Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Got Toothpicks???

Because I need em to prop my eyes open!!!

I do not know what happened last night, but my child went crazy. There is no other way of putting what happened.

Okay I will start at the beginning. It was about 10pm and Jack had been asleep for about 1 1/2 hours. Jim and Laura were all snug in their beds. I had a really bad day at work, and I had settled down to start to blog about it and what do my ears hear? WAAAHHHH. I mean it wasn't just a little cry that he does a lot when he is sleeping and goes back to sleep afterwards. No this was "oh my God, something is wrong with my child" scream.

So I go in there and try to comfort him with a bottle, which works 99% of the time. He would not stop screaming! I pick him up and carry him to the rocking chair in his room to try to comfort him. He still won't stop. I check his diaper - nothing. I then proceed to carry him out to the family room where I turn the tv on and turn all the lights out. This calms him a bit, he drinks some bottle and seems to be calming down a bit. So about 11:00 I take him back to the crib and lay him down. I am thinking to myself that is it. HA!

It wasn't 10 minutes later, he is screaming again. I walk back to the room and do the "routine" again. Take him back to the family room (getting a pattern here?). About 11:30 back to the crib he goes. I go to bed.

Midnight - SCREEEAAMMMING. This time, it actually woke Jim up (which means it was loud, really loud). He gets up and tries to comfort him. Brings him back to bed with us. Shut off lights. Try to lay quiet. Nope. Jack is squirming, whining, crying, screaming.

12:45 - Jim gets up with him again. Walks around room with him trying to soothe. Changes his diaper. Takes him out to the family room once again. Turns tv on. I go to sleep.

1:30 - Jim comes back to bed (without Jack). I ask "Is he sleeping?" he whispers "yes". I go back to sleep.

1:45 - WAAAAAAHHHHH. I get up. This time, just go straight out to the family room. Turn tv on, turn off lights. Jack squirms, cries, whines. I just sit there like a zombie while he does his thing. I offer him some cheerios, thinking maybe he is hungry. Makes him scream louder. At some point, I am thinking about going to the ER. I mean a boy doesn't scream for 5 hours for no reason right? But then I think of the car situation. The truck has a big huge door (the reason why there is a door installer in my house at this moment) in the back of it sitting outside. It is blocking my car that has the car set. The little car that Jim drives to work is free, but no car seat. Hmm rethink the ER situation.

Around 3:45, he finally goes to sleep in my arms. I am afraid to move. I am afraid the cat will jump up on my lap and wake the screaming terror. I am afraid to breath. I sit in the chair for another 30 minutes before daring to get up and take him to the crib. I am terrified walking down the hall the screaming terror will awaken.

4:15 I wake Jim up and tell him somebody was trying to call him on his work phone. He gets up, I go to bed. He calls in sick at work at 5:00 am. He goes back to bed at 5:00. We wake up at 6:00. Time to wake up Laura. Jim has to take her to school because I have to meet the door installer at 7:30. (We are getting our new door installed yay).

7:00 Jim leaves to take Laura to school. I am still in bed.

7:15 Jack starts screaming and the phone rings all at the same time. Answer phone, it is the door installer. He is 1 minute from the house. Get out of bed, throw some shorts on. Answer door, let door installer in. Show him the broken door and new door. I think he can figure out what to do next. Jack stopped screaming (there is a God). Start to make coffee.

That was my night and morning. How was yours?

I will have to let you in on my really really bad day at work some other time. At this point, I can hardly remember it. Thank goodness, I had scheduled today off. I have no idea what was wrong with Jack. I think he might have had bad gas pains. We tried giving him a half of a Tums at some point. But he had no fever or anything. I gave him Tylenol at some point also. But still is a mystery.

And to think, this is how I felt for the first 2 months of his life! How did I do it? And I want to do it again? Am I nuts?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Benjamin did this two nights ago, though not for as long. Since he doesn't wake up at night anymore, I knew something was up. We think it was more teeth (those pointy eyeteeth) coming through. :( He was up at 10:30, 1:30 and 3:30!!!