Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back to Normal?

Well we are kinda back to normal today. Jim and I spent yesterday feeling like we had been hit by a truck AND hungover all at the same time. So yesterday went a little bit like this: drink coffee, watch tv, unpack stuff for 10 minutes, back to drinking coffee, watching tv, and napping. We went to bed at 8 and Laura thought we were the most lamest parents in the world for not having gone to the fireworks show and deal with the thousands of people. I figure we just saw the fireworks at Disney a week ago and we got the pleasure of dealing with thousands of people then, so why redo it so soon?

Today my brain is in overactive mode again with all the things needed to be done. I need to call today to get a landscaper here to clean up our backyard cause I just plain give up. Jim and I have spent weeks and weeks out there picking weeds, spraying weed killer (3big jugs of the stuff) and what did we find when we came home? Yep, weeds waist high again. So I am giving it up and hiring a professional to make it all pretty for the new buyer. I have watched WAY too many of those Designed to Sell shows for my own good. Because now I think I need to have everything perfect before it goes on the market and well with the toddler, that just ain't gonna happen. Never. Ever.

Another item on the list - I also have to contact the people who put our tile in and get them to replace 3 tiles by our front door that have cracked. And maybe hire a professional to stain our "new" backdoor that went in over a year ago. It has been the natural wood color and we have had every intention of staining it, but well it just hasn't happened. But now it needs to be done.

You know it isn't fair, the next owners are going to get a house with a pretty, weedless backyard, a nicely stained backdoor, and a crackless tile floor. Not Fair!

I have Laura with us for the next week and will be putting her to babysitting duties so I can get some cleaning and packing done.

Oh and as soon as blogger gets their act together and fixes the bug with the picture uploading, I will continue to bore you with more of the trip pictures.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Glad y'all survived the drive and made it home! You have my sympathy with the packing and fixing up the house. We felt the same way when we were done with all the cleaning up and repairs...annoyed that we had lived with the mess so long and then made it nice and shiny for the new owners. It really does pay off in the offer's you get though, so that's some consolation!