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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

One of those mornings

We are flying to Gulfport tomorrow for the weekend. Jim has a couple of job stuffies to do and I want to get more of a feel for the area and look at some houses. There is two houses in particular that I saw on the internet that I think I could totally love and can't wait to check them out.

Anyway, because of all that needs to be done, my morning was pretty much booked. My plans WERE as follows: drop Jack off at daycare/preschool (calling it preschool now cause it sounds more grownup), drop cats off at the cat boarding place, drop dogs off at friends AND get to my 9:45 am doctor's appointment on time. Yeah Right. NOT.

Let's see, what went wrong. The first was Jack had a complete and total meltdown when it was time to go to school. He would NOT go into the car and by the time I had him buckled in, I was drenched in sweat from fighting him. Then he started to scream when I left him there, even though I kept telling him he was going to play with all his friends. He has become quite clingy lately.

Anyway, I zoomed back home after dropping the toddler off with high hopes of rounding up all 4 animals to put them in the car. So I grab the first cat and with many a fur flying put him into the cat carrier. Then go looking for the second cat, who after 20 minutes of searching, was found under the table skirt in the bedroom. I put him in the cat carrier and carry the two cats out to the garage. Then I go back inside to change my shirt because it now has 3 inches of cat fur all over it, grab the dogs, the dog food, and a last minute look to make sure the house is still looking like a model. I go out to the garage with one of the dogs in my arms and what do I see? A cat sitting by the open garage door. I look at the cat carrier that he was in and see that he managed to totally rip open a hole and jump out. And by now, he has run into the next yard. No hopes whatsoever of catching him.

So I look at the time and realize that I do not have time to drop off both cat (singular now) and the dogs before doctor's appointment. So I carry dog back into the house and decide to just drop off the one cat at the kennel and hope that the other cat will come back later so I can take him to the kennel.

So I am driving to the kennel and am on the road of the kennel and the road is closed because they have it all torn up! I can literally see the building but couldn't get there. So I call them and ask them how in the world do I get there and the nice lady on the other end told me "oh dear, you have to go back to Ivy street, make a left, then another left, then a right, then a left, and then you will see our road upon which you make a right." HUH? You have got to be kidding me. I have to be at the appointment in 20 minutes and I have to drive 23 miles out of my way? UGH! So I finally get there and drop off the stupid cat, which by the way, I am really wondering why we have at this moment and drive to my doctors. The time I walk into the doctor's door? 10:05 am. Only 20 minutes late. And of course was not called back until 10:45. Of course.

So now I am home and have to do laundry and pack. Oh and the runaway cat? Yeah he was standing by the door when I got home. I have to make another run to the kennel with the 23 mile detour after 3:00 pm cause that is when they reopen. Fun times.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Oh. My. Gah. What a day you have had! You poor thing. I hope all of this stress lets up soon.