Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just some ramblings

** Why is it I can not get myself motivated to get packing? I know that the move is coming up and it would make life easier if I did some packing. But to take a nap or watch another episode of Designers Challenge just sounds like so much more fun. Yes I know I am the worlds worst procastinator.

** Jack is becoming quite the cute little person. His latest saying is "cha". You ask him "Are you Jack?" and he will reply "Cha!". It has become his answer to everything asked.

** Jack sure caused a lot of attention on our recent trip. He pulled his own little suitcase through the airports and anytime anyone say him, all that was said was "awww isn't he cute". I heard one guy say "that thing is bigger than him". He was quite a little trooper and held his own.

** It is hot hot hot. Maybe that is why I am feeling so lazy? It has been in the triple digits for 21 days now. Oh and they keep telling you not to turn on your air conditioning and conserve. To that, I say screw that. I am going to keep my house at 78 degrees so there state of California. I am so not looking forward to my electric bill. May need cpr after seeing the amount.

** I would post more pictures and I will as soon as I find my camera charger. I know I have seen it since we got home from our road trip, however in my quest to make the house a model home, it got placed (stuffed) in a cubby hole somewhere. I just need to remember where now.

** We totally need to sell our house fast, like yesterday. Instead we had no showings at all except for one in two weeks. I am still cussing that wife out who did not want to live here.

** I am very excited about moving to Gulfport. I just want to fast forward time about two months is all. Can I do that?

** My last ramble is about Jack, of course. Ever since we got home, he can not stop talking about flying in the airplane. He tells everyone we see and I mean like the cashier lady at the grocery store. He says "go flying zzzoooommm" and takes his hand to demonstrate.
Then he tells about the "big bump booommm", the landing. And he absolutely loved having turbulence. When we hit a rough patch, he was screaming "weeee". I think it was a big hit.

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