Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Eggs Galore!

We went to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the sports park by our house this morning. We arrived bright and early at 9 am. because according to the website, that was the time it started. But little did I know, that was actually the time that the fair booths opened, but the actual egg hunt started at 10:30. So we had an hour and a half to kill while waiting.

When it was time for the hunt, they lined up all the kids by age in 3 different fields. We were in the 2-3 year old field and boy was it hard for all those toddlers to stand there waiting for them to say "GO". And when they did, it only took about 30 seconds for all the eggs to be picked up. Jack got a total of 5 eggs.

Great fun was had with Sissy running around the park. Yay for big Sissy's who keep their little brothers busy for an hour and a half!

During the wait for the egg hunt to start, Jack found a tub of bird seed to play with. Notice the concentration on the boy's face! Very serious business.

The massive field of Easter eggs. This was one of 3 fields filled with eggs! They said there were about 5000 eggs all together filled with candy. Notice the kids lined up waiting not-so-patiently.

After the torture of waiting, they were off and running. Here is Jack, off to a good start.

He had to stop for a second to check out the loot.

After 26 seconds of Easter Egg hunting, all the eggs were picked up by the masses. This is Jack with all 5 of his eggs.

Then it was off to play on the playground equipment with the other 1500 kids.

Sliding down the tunnel slide.

A little bit of swinging with Daddy.

And of course, sliding down the curvy slide - over and over and over again.

And that is not all for this Easter weekend. We are boiling 18 eggs as we speak and will color them tonight for an egg hunt tomorrow morning before church. Then after church, we are going to friends for Easter dinner. Phew busy busy busy. Of course, will be posting more pictures of the hunt tomorrow.

Happy Easter to everybody!


Claire said...

Looks like fun! We did a hunt today, too. Happy Easter to Jackaroo and his family!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Jack got his easter eggs and had a great time. Thanks for all the neat pictures for me to store. An Easter to always remember.