Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Internet Shopping, MP3 Players, The Polar Express

My shopping is almost done. I only have a couple more gifts to buy and then I will be done. Love that. I woke up this morning and started shopping on the internet at 5 am while talking on yahoo messenger with a friend in California. Her son was not sleeping and thus she was up while he was watching tv. Sounded familiar because I was doing the same thing only a few nights ago. The things we mothers do huh?

Anyway, I got 6 gifts purchased. I heart Sharper Image. Since there are so many people to buy for this year, I had to get all organized about it. I wrote down everybody's name (12 in all) and then had to fill in the blanks with the gifts I bought. And now I only have 2 blanks! How exciting! Such Joy!

And speaking of exciting, I bought Laura an MP3 player for her birthday when she was here over Thanksgiving. Now, I just have to preface this by saying, I am pretty much NOT hip as to the new and cool gadgets out there. And I know that MP3 players have been out for what 5 years or so? But after playing with hers and downloading songs for her, I just have to say they are cool! I never saw the need for them because I basically am not that music-crazed. I mean I like music in the car while driving and my xm satellite radio fills that need, but am not one of those people who HAS to have music all the time. I know those kind of people. I was married to one at one time and he had easily 1500 cds in his collection. I know excessive. And I believe 5 of them were mine.

But this little MP3 player that Laura got, is totally cool. And even I was getting into it and the possibilities of owning such a thing. Who knew that they were THAT cool? Yeah Yeah I know. I am so behind the times and people were saying they were THAT cool 5 years ago. But I am slow and very unhip!

I just have to mention Jack's latest love/obsession - The Polar Express movie. It was on tv last night, and even though we have it on dvd, we were watching it. The boy watched this movie with such intent and excitement than any other movie EVER. And that includes the movie Cars! He was so into the movie that when a commercial came on, he would get very angry and come to me and tell me to put the movie back on. Like I have control over the networks. When the Santa scene came on, I seriously thought the boy was going to explode with excitement. He was mesmerized! And for that I just have one thing to say to the makers of The Polar Express - Thank You! I now have something that will occupy the boy's attention for a couple of hours! I can internet shop, or read, or gasp clean my house! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.


-LGirl- said...

I love my MP# player.
I also Loved Polar Express. We saw it in 3D on Imax. It was freaking amazing!

Anonymous said...

I got Polar Express for Mo for Christmas. Looking forward to the breaks I'll have to unpack in the new house!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi's Stefanie (Edwards)
Beckering. I just started a blog too. I will be checking yours often. Jack is sooo cute. Welcome to the SHAM world! :) Check ours out at