Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Big Boy Sizes

I started shopping for school clothes for the boy today. He has absolutely NO clothes that fit him anymore, except for a few shirts and some shorts. And that includes shoes. He has a pair of crocs that he has been wearing all summer long because he basically has no other shoes that fit.

So off we went to start this massive undertaking to outfit the boy again. I measured his feet and he is now a size 11! I am guessing the size 9 1/2's from last year are not going to cut it. So he got a brand new pair of sneakers ala Spider Man that light up. And of course, now he won't take them off his feet.

My next mission was to get some long pants, even though it is now 189 degrees outside. I started with the 4t's and soon realized that these were not going to work at all. I had to go over to the big boy section! He has outgrown all the toddler sizes! I bought him two pairs of pants - one jeans and the other black jeans sized 4. The problem is, that while he maybe in length be a size 4 because the length is just about perfect, his waist is NOT a size 4. Next shopping trip will be to buy some belts to keep the pants up!

I am by far not done with the shopping. I figure I need a minimum of three or four more pants and more long-sleeved shirts. I need to do this in stages so the money leaving my pocket won't feel quite so badly. Oh and while putting socks on the boy for the first time in months, I realized that all his socks are way too small for his feet. Add that to the list!

Oh yeah, there are 27 more days left until his school starts. Not that I am counting or anything. :)


-LGirl- said...

Just a tip, look for the preschool pants that have the adjustable elastic in the waistband, like maternity pants do. It gives is a longer wearing pant.
I can't believe that School starts so very young for Americans. We don't begin school until 5 years old.

Carolyn said...

I second the adjustable waistband pants! We have several pair from Old Navy and they are awesome. Of course, Brandon is still wearing 2T pants and shorts. I *think* he might be into a 3T by the time he turns four. Might.

Jack's Mom said...

I saw those adjustable waist bands at Old Navy and plan to go get some.

Liesl, Jack's school is only a preschool that follows the public school system calendar, so they are out for the summer. He will be going for 3 days a week, 3 hours a day. Next year, he will start the Pre-K program in the private academy we plan on sending him to. That is if I can stand sending my baby to school every day at the age of 4! Still not sure about that yet.

Claire said...

We just bought Isaac his first 4T stuff, though we are lucky and have an awesome source for hand-me-downs. If you're looking for pants, you might check out my favorite guilty pleasure, They're running a sale now on jeans where you buy 1 pair and get another 1/2 off. They're still not dirt cheap, but in our experience they are good quality pants. We just bought a few pairs to fill in holes in his wardrobe. They also have varieties with adjustable waists, and their pants, in my opinion, tend to run on the big side.

-LGirl- said...

So glad to her it's not full time school. I really need the full 5 years at home with them before I can let them go.... (Don't get me started now!.. LOL!)