Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Is there anyway to get 28 hours in a day? Please?

We in the Jackaroo household are busy busy busy. We have Laura living with us for the next couple weeks and although I love having her around, it does cause busy times. Somebody has to take her to school which is 20 miles in the opposite direction of both of our works. So I have been taking her to school after I drop Jack off at daycare and then head back north to go to work. This has been taking about 2 hours in the morning. In the afternoon we have to pick her up from school and usually that has been Jim rushing down the highway to get to her after he gets off work. On Mondays and Wednesdays, she has chear practice from 4:30 - 7:00. And she wants us to watch her practice. But as all the mothers of 15-month old babies know, keeping said 15-month-old busy without running out in the middle of the girls jumping and tumbling is a very very hard task. And today, I am the one elected to drop her off and pick her up from school, which means that I will have to leave work early (after getting there late from the 2 hour trek in the morning) and pick up Jack from daycare and rush down the freeway to pick her up from school. Come back home, make sure she does her homework, fix dinner, keep Jack occupied and out of harms way and hope that I don't lose my sanity in the process.

What are you all doing today?

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