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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Just call us the Strep Family

That's right, strep throat is running rampant through our family. Last night Laura came down with a high fever and I though "uhoh here we go again". We get one child well and another one gets sick. So we get to the Urgent Care bright and early this morning. I was determined to NOT sit there for over an hour this time and got there before they were opened. But we get there, and there is a line up outside the door! Geesh. So we were 3rd on the list and, yep, we had to wait an hour to be taken back.

The doctor just confirmed what I knew already. Laura has strep throat also. I then told the doctor about Jack having strep throat last week and I felt like I have been fighting a sore throat for the last 3 or 4 days. Then the doctor wrote prescriptions for all 3 of us! She told me that strep throat can be passed back and forth multiple times. She said we need to throw away our toothbrushes, and make sure I sterilize all the cups and glasses in the house after being used. And to definitely not share. I admited that I was bad in that I share a bowl of cheerios with Jack almost every morning.

So right now, Jack is the only one who is feeling good. Laura and I both feel like crap and Daddy is at work. This combination is not good.

On a side-note, I so totally need to get the Little Tykes play kitchen. The doctor's office had one in their waiting room and Jack stood there and played with that thing for almost the entire hour we waited! I don't think he has ever played with one toy that long ever before! But of course, if we bring it into our house, he would probably play with it a total of 10 minutes, like every other toy he has.

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