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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bored at Work

I am here at work really really bored. So I thought I would blog a bit. It is really slow at work right now and I am sooo bored. I don't want to be here right now. I want to be home playing with Jack. I have been blog stalking a lot of blogs today. I have also ordered 2 t-shirts for Jack from the tale of a baby human boutique. You just have to go there. Sooo cute. Let me see, I have played a couple games of solitare, read the news online. It is so terrible about the father who used his 17-month old toddler as a shield in a gun fight and they both died. That just makes me want to be sick when I think about that. You can read about it here. Sick just sick.

Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend who 6 months pregnant with her first child. It is going to be a girl. I got to thinking just how much her life is going to change and she doesn't even know it yet. She was telling me how they went to register at Target and she just stood there with no clue as to what she needs. And that is so true. Until you are in the trenches with a baby and trying to fit that baby around your life, you just are clueless. I am looking forward to seeing the Mommy Jamie because I know she will be so different from the other Jamie's that I have known. I first knew her as the single-girl looking for the right man. We both were single at the same time and we would commiserate with each other about finding no man worth our time. Then we both found our men almost at the same exact time and got married. Of course, I had Jack a lot faster than her and I remember talking to her about being pregnant, but she couldn't really understand because she hadn't been there yet. Now that she is pregnant, it is so much fun comparing the stories and I can't wait until she is a Mommy and we can share those stories also. Isn't the Mommy Club fun? Thats what is so amazing about the Mommy Club. It doesn't matter how different two women can be in other areas, every mother shares those feelings and actions of being a mother. I am so happy that I got to join!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I can totally relate. My best friend is prego with her first. We've gone through everything together (single, marriage, etc...), too. So it will be VERY exciting to see how her as a mommy. Although, she did have the benefit of watching us fumble through the first year of cluelessness. :)