Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, July 16, 2005

He's Growing Up

Jack is growing so fast. Sometimes I look at him and catch my breath. I can't believe that he is no longer a baby, but a kid now. A very active, energetic, and happy big kid. Here are pictures comparing him on the horsie that Grammy C bought for him for Christmas. This picture was taken Jan 6 this year.
Here he is on the horsie on his first birthday - March 5th.
And here he is on the horsie yesterday. He's such a big kid now! We are done with the highchair! Yay! Jim went to Target and bought this booster chair that clamps on the table. I was skeptical at first, but it really does hold him. You can also take it with you when going somewhere you need booster chairs - like Grandma and Grandpa's. We bought this kind because we only have 3 chairs to this table and well I didn't want to spend money to go buy another chair and/or table. This fits the economic budget much better.

Notice the use of the spoon! We are getting a bit better with using a spoon. Sometimes, he actually gets something to his mouth and we all cheer and clap.
Here he is with the famous Backpack. He loves this thing so much. When I say "Do you want to go bye bye" he nods his head, grabs his backpack, which is by the door, and stands at the door waiting to go bye bye. It is the cutest thing. Only thing is, you have to be really careful when you say the words "bye bye" because if you really aren't going bye bye then you are in for a good 5 minutes of screaming.
Here he is with the Winnie the Pooh phone that does not shut up. What is it with Winnie the Pooh stuff. They don't shut up and will start talking out of nowhere. But he loves it and loves to pretend to talk in it. He will also hold it up to our ears and expect us to talk in it also.
Here he is with the FAVORITE thing in the house. The remote control. The one that actually works, unlike the 3 other ones that we gave him that do not work. This one is the one the boy has to have.


Anonymous said...

Ya know, we have one of those booster thingies for when we go out...but I never THOUGHT about getting rid of the highchair and using it instead! What a wonderful idea! I HATE the highchair... it's disgusting and it takes up WAY too much room in the kitchen. GREAT IDEA. I'm going to wash it and put it away as soon as I'm finished typing! LOL!

Jack is such a cutie. He and Ben would have so much fun together with their phones and tv remotes. ;)

Jack's Mom said...

I know! Our highchair was so gross, it was making me gag everytime I took a good look at it. Gross gross gross. I love this booster chair. It seems so clean now. I even went out and bought him some plastic placemats with Elmo on them.

Yes Ben and Jack would have a great time. I think we should get them together along with Connor sometime!