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Friday, December 30, 2005

Family Trees

Does anybody have a branch of their family tree that they want to cut off? Or am I the only one?

Last night my Dad's brother's family, or I guess my Aunt and 2 cousins and their kids, came over to my house. These are the "California Cousins" that in the 7 years of living here in California I have seen exactly 3 times, including last night. All I can say about them is that they are WEIRD and VERY VERY DIFFERENT. Out of their whole family of 5 cousins, only one is normal - my cousin Cindy. As we sat there talking at the table, I just kept thinking that Jim must have been wondering what the hell he got himself married to. He did say to me this morning that it just proved to him that he got the best of the family. That ain't saying much.

I know that we HAD to call them since my parents were here and they only live an hour away. I know that the Etiquette Queen would say that I would have to contact them, but believe me, it was painful!

The only good that came out of the whole evening of being with these freaks, err family, was we got more information for our ancestery book that we are putting together. This thing that we lovingly call "the document" has grown to over 300 pages and holds 2 gigs of space on my mother's computer. It is all about my paternal grandmother's family who came from Ireland in the mid 1800's. We have my great great grandparents dating back to 1809 being born in Ireland. It is so so interesting. I kind of started writing down stuff that my father would tell me about the family and it has grown into this huge thing and literally hundreds and thousands of hours of research. My parents have worked really hard on it. So we got information on the WEIRD branch of the tree. The old saying you can't pick your family goes a long way in this family.


Erin said...

I have several branches I'd like to saw off and use for kindling.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have some freaks in our families!

Mrs. Flinger said...

I'm sorry, were you talking about my family? 'Cause it sounds like you were talking about my family.... :-)