Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Busy Day

I truly do not know how I had time to work! Seriously, since I have been off work, I have been soooo busy. I have been so much more active than I was sitting on my butt in front of the computer all day at work. I actually am exercising everyday. I try to take Jack and the dog for about a half-mile walk everyday. And I am trying to get this house in shape for all the Christmas company that is going to show up in 3 weeks!

Today my plan is to steam-clean the carpets in the family room. Tomorrow is THE day! The day that the NEW FURNITURE arrives!!!!!!! Yes I am just a wee bit excited about the whole thing. The people who are buying our furniture have not found a place to live yet (they had a house fire and lost everything - Sad!), so for the time being it is going into our garage.

I figure that it is a good time to clean out the family room and start fresh. Of course this means removing 3,876 toys that seemed to multiply over the past year. Another good chance to go through and give away those toys that are no longer played with. The Incrediblock is going to the neighbors who have a 4-month old boy. Ha! Let them figure out that is an incredibly useless toy. The only thing Jack ever did with the thing was put his toy cars on the thing that goes round and round to watch the cars go round and round. And those peek-a-blocks? Useless also. He never cared at all for those things and we only have about 75 of the them!

Jack is going to daycare today so I can do all these things. I worked out a deal with his daycare provider to take him there once a week. That way he can play and socialize with the other kids and I get a day a week for Mommy time, or in this case, a day to clean and organize! Yippee!

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