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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Warning: Ex-Wife Rant

I don't usually do a lot of ranting and raving on this blog, except maybe ranting about the joys of toddler tantrums. However, I just need a moment to rant about Jim's ex-wife and get it out of my system.

Her name is Dina. She has been an extremely painful thorn in my side ever since I met Jim. But Jim being the best and greatest man on earth (well except for maybe my father), he has been so worth putting up with that woman. But there are times when I just need to scream! And this is one of those times.

Laura has her first cheerleading competition on Sunday in San Diego. The girl has worked so hard these past 6 months and she is so excited about what she can now accomplish. She is also very excited about the competitions coming up. Now, let me just backtrack and let you in on the reason why Laura is in cheerleading in the first place - her mother thought she was FAT, and told that to her face time and time again. So she signed her up to basically lose weight. Let me just tell you that Laura is NOT fat and for a mother to tell a 9-year old girl that is, in my opinion, child abuse. Pre-teen girls have enough self-esteem issues to deal with without having their mothers tell them they are fat.

Okay, so Dina calls us the other night and basically tells us, NOT ask, that we have to get Laura to San Diego by 7:00 am on Sunday! It is a two hour drive! Up until that moment, it had been agreed that Dina would take her and we would show up later in time to see her compete. But now, get this, because she has a date the night before she doesn't "feel up to" getting her there that early. In fact, she won't even show up at all and support HER daughter on HER accomplishments that Dina signed her up for in the first place! Me, just being a step-mother, wasn't going to miss her competition, but her own mother "doesn't feel up to it"?

Do you have any idea how hard that day is going to be with a toddler? She doesn't care that it inconveniences us, in fact, she celebrates that fact. My friend Janet offered to take Jack for the day, which I might take her up on. But I was looking forward to taking Jack to see his Sissy compete, he would have gotten a kick out of that. But to spend almost 12 hours there with a toddler? Ummmm NO. Impossible.

Oh yeah and also there is this whole "makeup and hair" session that a parent has to attend with their cheerleader. That is tonight. Guess who gets to go to that? Yep - me. Hopefully Jim will be home in time to either take care of Jack or go with me and watch Jack while I get the hair and makeup training.

And in the meantime, Dina is just at home thinking only of herself. I have mentioned it here before, that she has cancer. And don't get me wrong, I feel very bad about that fact. In fact, I have often put myself in her shoes and can't imagine the fright of not seeing your child grow up. But this is unexcusable. She is not bed-ridden. She goes to the gym everyday, goes out on dates, she just can't go see her daughter compete. Sad. Very Sad.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I don't blame you one bit for ranting about her. She sounds very selfish or is holding a grudge or something. That is such a shame that Laura (not to mention you and Jim) has to deal with that from her, but at least she does have you! You are a fabulous step-mom to her.