Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Just Had To Share

I was filling the dog food dish earlier. Jack loves when I do this because he loves to hand feed the dogs. He will get a handful of dog food and take it to them wherever they maybe. So while I was filling the dish, Jack ran off and came back with his stuffed dog, Doggie. He then squatted down and put Doggie's face into the dog food bowl to feed Doggie also. I about died from laughing when I saw this. Too Funny! Too Cute!

Also to just update on our microwave-broken saga. The GE guy came and said that the magnatron thingy did go out. Of course he also tells me that he has NEVER seen a magnatron thingy go out on such a young microwave. Yeah leave it to us to have a record defective magnatron thingy. So he goes out to his truck and gets the part which is under warranty, but I have to pay $156 for his labor to install. Gah!

He then starts to take apart the microwave and then comes the gotcha. He can't get the top off to install the new magnatron thingy because the cabinets are in the way!! I either have to cut the trim off my really nice, that I totally love cabinets or not have a microwave!!! I called the builder about this "little" problem and the totally rude, ignorant lady on the other end started to laugh when I told her my dilemma. She then said "I can't believe that". At this point, I was in no laughing mood and asked her if she thought I was lying. She then said that she has to "look into this to see if there is anything they can do". Of course our one year warranty with the builder was up in June. So I am pretty sure that they are going to come back and say NO. They can't do anything. Meanwhile, we are still living like the pioneers with no microwave!

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