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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

SAHM or Part-time SAHM???

That is the question. An opportunity has come up that has me seriously thinking about not quitting work altogether. Yesterday I received an email from a friend who owns his own business and is looking for a part-time accounting person. The thing is, he is moving the business and will be about 5 miles from our house! How convenient is that. He was wondering if I would be interested. Again how convenient is it that I will be unemployed after next week?

I will have to talk to him about all the particulars and everything, but I am thinking about it. It sounds like I can even do a lot of work from home. Even better. I told him that I wouldn't be available until after the beginning of the year. I at least want that much time off. I will need it to destress from the current job situation. Of course, I have to figure out the whole daycare thing. Jack's daycare is literally 6 minutes from this job. Hmmm. Something to think about.


Carolyn said...

Wow, that sounds like it would be a perfect situation for you if you want to still do something. But definitely give yourself plenty of time off before you start...I learned the hard way that I should have taken a little more time. Hope everything works out for you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best of both worlds!

Claire said...

I concur with the ladies -- sounds like you can have your cake and eat it too with this opportunity. But of course you should evaluate if that is what you really want, and take as much time as you need to do that evaluation. SAHM or PTSAHM, you will LOVE the extra time with the Jacaroo!