Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006

Spoil the Child

I tell ya, this child is one lucky child. After finding out that we are now saving $500/year on insurance because we traded 2 cars in for 1 car, I decided to swing by Toys R Us and see what little something I could get the boy because that is so much fun.

Of course as soon as we pull into the parking lot, he is screaming TOYS, TOYS MAMA! We get out and he would not ride in the cart, no siree, he had to walk all around looking at everything. And you can guess where he landed - the Thomas section. And because I was in a good mood and willing to part with a little bit of cash, I decided to buy him a Toby train AND a new track system set-up thingy for the train table. I got the one that is 3 track layers of spiraling down and will probably require an advance degree to put together. It looks really cool and I am sure he will love it, once I figure out how to put the thing together. Wish me luck. I'll post pics when I am done, sometime in the next month or so.

Oh and a side note. Is it really bad if your two-year-old knows McDonalds and can say "McDonalds" everytime he sees the golden arches? Yeah, not so good huh? Well that is Jack. We go to the insurance office this morning and it happens to be next to a McDonalds and he is in the back saying "Mama Midonls". Uh oh, maybe too many happy meals.

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