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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Who Does She Think She Is?

A friend of mine recently led me to this article. It made me so infuriated that I am sure my blood pressure, normally quite low, went sky high. It basically is this woman who had the nerve to go on tv condemning those of us college-educated mothers who decide to stay home and raise our children ourselves.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that working mothers are wrong or anything in the least. After all I was one of the working mothers until just 4 months ago. But I really take offense at this bitch who is telling me that I am wrong in wanting to stay home with my son instead of going out and working.

Here is a quote from her mouth "I think it's a mistake for these highly educated and capable women to make that choice [to stay home]," said law professor and working mom Linda Hirshman. "I am saying an educated, competent adult's place is in the office."

Who does she think she is telling me that because I am educated my PLACE is in the office and NOT with my son? Give me a break!

Part of her stupid logic states that the divorce rate is so high and she insinuating that once women leave, they can never get back into that office. I beg to differ, I know that if by some unbelievable chance that I find myself single again, that I know I could get back right into working with a decent salary in a matter of weeks. That is absolutely stupid nonsense.

She also can not understand how us *educated* people can feel fulfilled without working. Quote "I would like to see a description of their daily lives that substantiates that position," Hirshman said. "One of the things I've done working on my book is to read a lot of the diaries online, and their description of their lives does not sound particularly interesting or fulfilling for a complicated person, for a complicated, educated person."

Excuse me Hirshman, but I am MORE fulfilled being at home taking care of my family, watching my son grow and learn than I ever was sitting in an office with deadlines, headaches, problems, and stress.

"She asks why should business schools give advanced degrees to those who don't use them?" So I should give back my degree to the business school that gave it to me just because I am staying at home? Kiss My ASS. I worked hard for that degree and nobody can tell me that I am *wasting* it.

Ms. Hirshman, I feel pity for you because you obviously have no idea what it is like to be able to raise your child and watch him or her grow and thrive. I have pity for you because obviously YOUR entire self-worth is wrapped up in your title at work. For me, the only titles I care anything about are WIFE and MOTHER.


Anonymous said...

You are more fulfulled than any working Mom could ever feel. Ask her to listen to Dr. Laura. She totally agrees with you. I am just so happy that you can raise him yourself and not some daycare.

Kelli said...

Ok, I haven't even read the article yet and she totally ticks me off!

Anonymous said...

Everything in balance. God, Family, Play, Work. The balance is: now it is time to stay home with the Boy.

It's good for him and total enjoyment for you!!!