Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Driver's Ed and Potty Ed

I was driving down the road yesterday with Jack in the backseat. He was babbling nonstop about trucks, trains, cars, or boats (pretty much anything that moves) as he usually does. Then out of nowhere I hear "STOP MAMA". This startles me out of making my to-do list in my head and ask why. He said "The light is red!". Sure enough I was coming up onto a red light. Smarty pants. But then he had to go one step further in my driver education and say "You have to use the brakes Mama!". Double Smarty Pants.

We are attempting big boy underwear again today. This is not without major complaining and whining from the boy who tells me every 5 minutes "I don't like big boy underwear". So far no success, but no failures either. I have him watching Garfield right now and hopefully will get his mind off having to be a big boy not wearing diapers. The boy is fighting this transition tooth and nail. And I do not like this part of parenting at all. I was really hoping that he would wake up one day and just start using the toilet, but I guess that doesn't happen eh?

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