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Sunday, January 28, 2007

They're Everywhere!

You know how when you are pregnant, you suddenly start seeing fellow preggos everywhere. Well, I am not pregnant, but the preggos are popping out everywhere around me. Not only is blogland filled with them, but in my real life too. Just last week on the very same day, I had two friends tell me they were pregnant. One of them is a friend from California in my old playgroup. She had a miscarriage right before we moved and I am really happy for her.

The other preggo is my next door neighbor, Erin who is married to Ben. He is deployed right now to Guam, thank goodness not Iraq. But she went to visit him over Christmas and guess what happened. Yep. She was stunned to say the least. It was really funny because she and I were talking outside the day before while Jack ran around like a wild thing that he is and I told her "just wait your turn is coming." Ha! That night she peed on a stick. I guess it really is coming hehe. I feel really close to her, even though I have only known her for a few short months since we moved in. She went to the same small business college outside of Boston that I did, Bentley College. Of course I graduated in 1990 and she graduated in 2001 yielding even more proof to my advanced age.

But as I was talking to her about pregnancy and the joys and sorrows of being preggo, I got to thinking about Mrs. Flinger's post the other day (yes she is a preggo also). It was about the joy of motherhood, or more specifically the lack of joy a lot of days. I wanted to tell Erin that she has absolutely no idea how her life is going to change in September. I wanted to tell her that while being pregnant is so exciting and miserable, that when you hold your child the feelings you are going to feel are not what you think you will feel. I will tell her that the first month is pure hell with no sleep and many tears, both hers and the baby's. And that got me to thinking that motherhood is one huge roller coaster ride. The biggest and longest one of your life and will last till your last day on earth.

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