Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, January 12, 2007


I do not want to go anywhere today. I am having the monthly THING today (and a bad one) and I just plain do not want to do anything but sit and veg out today. I had planned to take Jack to the Discovery Center for the weekly Bear Cub playtime. But in all reality, I just do not have it in me to be in a room with 20 other toddlers and mothers playing, singing, and dancing. Yeah I am crabby. So what?

I do have to get out at some point to get groceries because we had to scrounge through the kitchen to find something for breakfast. Jack ate the last of the cereal and I scrambled the last two eggs and plopped them in the last whole-wheat tortilla with the last of the salsa. And did I mention that I HATE the grocery stores here, or lack of. The only real grocery store is Winn Dixie and I hate that place for many reasons, which include ultra rude people and sky-high prices. Then there is WalMart where the entire state of Mississippi shops and they are all there on the day that I am there. Yeah it is fun shopping when you have to say excuse me a thousand times per aisle. Oh and Jack knows exactly where the toy section is in WalMart and whines to go "play toys" during the entire shopping experience. Fun.

I miss my old commissary in California. The one I would go to about once a month and load up for the entire month of groceries. The one that was not crowded. The one that was big enough that I could find everything that I was looking for plus a few stuff that other stores did not have. The one where I knew I saved at least $200 a month just by shopping there.

The commissaries here suck. They are about the size of a convenience store and crowded. And you walk out of there still needing to go to Walmart because they didn't have half what you need. Hate it.

There are not a lot of things that I miss about California, but grocery shopping sure is one of them.

Jack and I are also going to a Pampered Chef party tonight. It is at his best-friend, Kyle's, house. Kyle's mother, Jennifer, and I have formed a friendship strictly because these two boys are such good friends. Everytime they see each other at school, they start running toward each other and give each other hugs. Miss Kelsey, their teacher, tells me they share their toys with each other and help each other out in class. It is so cute to see Jack have his own little friend. And he is beyond excited to be going to Kyle's house tonight. So I guess I have to go to that tonight.

Well I am off to put The Polar Express on for the boy. Yes, I know it is a Christmas movie and it is January. However, the boy LOVES this movie and can not get enough of it. It is the only movie that I can guarantee he will sit through and I can get stuff done. Or in the case today, I can not be bothered and can veg on the sofa. Yes, I know I am using it as a babysitter. So what? Just hush up. I am crabby today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I guess you are entitled to be crappy once in a while. Grocery shopping is not my favorite thing to do either. Kyle and Jack still are going to have a good time tonight.