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Friday, January 19, 2007

Fleas! Part Two

Yep here we go again. We are spraying yet again today for fleas. Yes it was only last week when we sprayed, but it seems there is a whole new batch of the ugly little critters that evidently hatched in my house over the last week. Ugh! I hate these things.

I went to the vet to get myself armed with the good stuff (read ungodly expensive) to fight the fleas this time. As I was standing there talking to the nice lady about my problem, she tells me "Oh honey you are in Mississippi now, we have every kind of bug known to man". First of all, I have learned that in the south, everybody says "honey" or "bless your heart" to you. If you get the latter of the two, it means they don't like you. Second of all, we didn't have a gazillion bugs to deal with in California. Sure, we had a slight flea problem a couple of years ago and a lizard would show up every now and then, but NOTHING like this place. I do not like bugs! I do not like bugs sharing my bed with me! I was scratching all night last night just thinking they were crawling all over me.

Oh and Jack is covered in flea bites. It seems he is allergic to fleas (surprise surprise, he's allergic to most everything) and he now is sporting welts the size of the house and poor thing is scratching almost as bad as the dogs. He now knows what calimine lotion is intimately.

So let's hope this latest round of spraying and treating the animals will rid this house of the fleas and all other disgusting and gross creepy crawlies. Did I mention I hate bugs?

1 comment:

Steffie B. said...

Oh, I am so awful! Hopefully it will get cleared up soon!