Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, January 05, 2007

It Is Starting

I think I have mentioned on here that Jack is taking Chinese lessons every week. His Uncle Bill has been funding the lessons from Miss Ming, a Chinese tutor that he himself takes lessons from. When Uncle Bill asked us if it would be okay for him to do this, I thought sure why not, but really did not know how well two hours a week spent playing with Miss Ming would work out as far as Jack learning to speak Chinese.

Of course there were the usual Ni hao (hello) or xie xie (thank you) that the boy picked up right away. In fact, we were eating in a restaurant one time and there was a Chinese waitress who was serving us and Jack spoke up and said "Ni hao" to her. She was flabbergasted to say the least.

But I do have to admit that I wasn't sure if the boy was going to absorb all the words that Miss Ming throws at him during their two-hour playtime each week. I sure don't remember them, even though I try to single one word out and try to remember it, I usually end up failing miserably.

However, after this week's playtime, the boy started to say something in Chinese and I do not know for the life of me what he was saying. And Jim, who knows a bit of Chinese, did not even know what the boy was saying. I am amazed how much he can absorb into his little brain.

It is started. Pretty soon Uncle Bill and Jack will be able to talk about all of us and we will just smile and nod.

1 comment:

-LGirl- said...

That's the coolest thing ever. He'll be able to order in the Chinese restaurant for you soon!