Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, August 12, 2005

How Pathetic am I?

I woke up at 4:20 this morning, when Jim was leaving for work, to check the internet to see who won the Head of Household competition in Big Brother 6! And continued to stay up reading the recaps because those fools in that house were still vying for the title. Basically if you don't watch(obsess) over Big Brother 6 like I do, the people in the house had to keep their fingers on a button locked up in a cage. If they slipped up and took their finger off the button, then they would be eliminated from the competition of Head of Household this week. Well they took over 12 hours! And finally Kaysar(love him, voted for him to return) just gave it up to Jennifer(hate her). Ok now you all know my dirty little secret. I am obsessed over Big Brother 6.

On a side note, the boy is still sleeping! He never ever sleeps this late. I just checked on him and he was all curled up huggie doggie. So cute. Thanks Jack for letting me get my fix with BB6!

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