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Sunday, August 07, 2005

One of those nights

I just put Jack to bed and it is 10:30. He woke earlier about 8:30 crying and screaming. He has been waking a lot lately and I thought it was just bad dream or something. So I went into his room and picked him up and brought him out to the family room. And faster than you could say Barf thats what he did. All over me. All over himself. And all over the carpet. Not just a little bit, but a whole lot. Fun! I don't have a clue what made him sick. He didn't really eat that much today and what he did eat was nothing unusual. I so hope that he is not getting sick again.

So after waking Jim up (yes I know he gets up at 3:30 to go to work I shouldn't wake him up, but I wanted him to share in the fun parenting job of cleaning up vomit so there) he takes the boy and cleans him up while I am changing my clothes and cleaning the carpet (fun job). Then we turn on Thomas and Friends and watch the 3 episodes that I have on Tivo. I am hoping he will go to sleep because I am soooo sleepy right now. I spent the day cleaning and scrubbing this house and I am tired! Um not sure about that new baby right now. I know there are nights after nights of this feeling with new babies. Hmmm....

Well all is quiet in the Jackaroo room so I am gonna try to sleep myself.

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