Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sleepless in Jackaroo World

Not a whole lot of sleeping going on here, at least for me. Two nights ago, Jack WOULD.NOT.GO.TO.SLEEP. I mean he went down and about an hour later woke up SCREAMING. I went in there and soothed him with a bottle (I know we need to get off the bottle, but man does it help at night). So he went back to sleep. But 2 hours later, he woke again SCREAMING and would not be soothed by any bottle this time. So I picked him up and took him into our guest bedroom and laid down in bed with him. He did finally go back to sleep and he was so cute all cuddled up with me, but um...I couldn't go to sleep. He was laying smack dab against me and I hate anybody touching me when I sleep. I kick Jim to the other side of the bed all the time. But I didn't want to wake the kid, so I just laid there awake....for like 2 hours. I did finally take him to his crib about 1 am, which left very little sleep for me.

So last night, I am exhausted because of a really busy day at work and well no sleep the night before. I go to bed early at 8:00 (actually 7:46 pm, I know I am pathetic). Jim comes to bed and soon starts snoring. Now I love this man to death, but the snoring - not so much. He actually is scheduled for surgery in two weeks to remove nasal polyps, so I know its not his fault. However, when you have a pounding headache and trying to go to sleep with a man who is snoring logs loud enough for the neighbors to hear, it is a bit hard! So, after trying to fall asleep for two hours, I again end up in the guest bedroom. Thank goodness, Jack slept last night!

So here it is in the morning and now I have to get ready for work. Argh, what I would give to be able to stay home and stay in my jammies until noon! But instead I will sing "Work, Work, off to work we go".

Have a good day everybody


Carolyn said...

Brandon had a similar episode last night. He went down fine and woke up around 10:45, cried off and on for over 15 minutes so I went in and rocked him. But as soon as he went back in the crib...SCREAMING. It took me until after midnight to get him settled back in his crib. I wonder what is going on with these little guys?? Maybe a stomach ache or bad dreams? I'll be glad when they can tell us. Hang in there!!

Jack's Mom said...

That is too bad about Brandon. I think that with Jack, he is having bad dreams or is suddenly scared of his room at night. Who knows?

Erin said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad night. Those always suck... :( I hope last night was better!