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Friday, October 07, 2005

I Wasn't Going Crazy!

Today I had my appointment at the Wellness clinic and let me tell you what a difference between this place and pretty much every other doctor on the planet. I actually was able to sit down and have a conversation with the doctor at the clinic. She was so nice and just sat there and listened to what I had to say and did not brush me off or try to push pills on me to make me feel better. She asked questions about my pregnancy and the birth and the postpartum. I told her about my crazy schedule and everything that has been happening in our family lately. She sat there and listened to me for 45 minutes!! At the end she looked up from her notes that she was taking and said "I can help you". What a nice set of words to hear when you are basically feeling like shit and thinking you are going out of your mind.

She said that the reason I am having most if not all of my symptoms is because she thinks I have something called Candida. Below is just something that I copied from a website about Candida.

The most commom symptoms are: an incapacitating fatigue and problems with concentration and short-term memory, flu-like symptoms such as pain in the joints and muscle, extreme tightness in the shoulders and neck, hyper-acidity/acid reflux, brown colored mucus in the back of the throat, blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat, either white or "blood blisters," unrefreshing sleep, sore throat, white coated tongue, dark circles under the eyes, an aversion to being touched or jumping, "crawling" skin, chronic sinus problems and headaches including migraines, chronic dental problems.

Visual disturbances may include blurring, sensitivity to light and eye pain.

More of the physical symptoms may include chills and night sweats, shortness of breath, dizziness and balance problems, sensitivity to heat and/or cold, alcohol intolerance, gluten and/or casein intolerance, irregular heartbeat, irritable bowel, constipation and/or diarrhea, painful gas and abdominal bloating, low-grade fever or low body temperature, numbness, tingling and/or burning sensations in the face or extremities, dryness of the mouth and eyes, difficulty swallowing and projectile vomiting.

All the bolded items, are the symptoms that I have had and I thought that I was really going crazy. The doctor thinks that I have had this Candida since I was pregnant and has just gotten worse over the time. Basically what it is where yeast has gotten outta control in your body and has taken over your body. Hopefully with a good diet and vitamins, I can get back on track.

It was just nice to be taken seriously and know that there really is a reason why I have been feeling like I have been and not going crazy. I think my husband was about to call his brother who is a pyschiatrist and check me into the nuthouse! Yeah I was that bad.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You must feel very relieved just to know what was causing your symptoms. I know sometimes that makes all the difference in the world. Hope you are feeling better soon!