Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Lazy Saturday

Today has been a lazy Saturday. Here is a picture of Laura and Jack watching cartoons together this morning. Notice the ever-present Doggie also known as Jack's best friend.

And here is a picture of Daddy and Jack watching drag racing together. The boy was totally mesmerized by the zoom zoom cars. Notice the presence of the other best friend known as Murphy. The boy loves his stuffed doggies.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see brother and sister hanging out together - until they get old enough to fight non-stop that is!!

Jack's Mom said...

The fighting has started. Today in the car, Laura would tease him and by taking something away from him and he would start screaming "MINE" and then she would give it back and he would throw it back at her mad. At that point, you just turn the radio up louder!