Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Not Coming Out But I am GOING In the Closet!

Because I can! I have been cleaning, throwing away, making piles of clothes to go to charity, and organizing all morning long. And now I can say (quite proudly I might add) that I can WALK INTO my Walk-In closet! It is quiting an amazing feat for us here in the Jackaroo World. You see when we moved into this house, Jack was a tiny baby of 3 months old. And at that point in time, I did not have it in me to move my entire house AND organize it at the same time. Surviving day to day was about it for me. So we just kinda threw things here and there and well over time learned to live with the disorganization and clutter. But here it is a year and a half later the closet is now organized. Of course, I did not throw one piece of clothing out that belonged to Jim. To me that just seems a bit stepping-over-the-line-as-a-wife thing.

So now it is official, the man has more clothes than I do. Is that sad or what? What happened to all those business suits that I used to wear when I worked at a bank 3 lifetimes ago? What happened to the Nordies outfits that I used to have back when I actually shopped at Nordies? Oh yeah, I remember those were 3 sizes ago. Silly me. I got rid of them because they made me depressed. Ahhhhh the days of my 20s and early 30s. Now my side of the closet is filled with $7.99 Old Navy t-shirts, jeans, and sweats. The Mom Wardrobe I guess. Hey Oprah, if you are reading this - call me in for a makeover, k?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Same thing in my closet-- kids have adorable, stylish, hip little outfits and I look like a homeless person.