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Thursday, January 19, 2006

What a Weird Night!

Okay last night had to be one of the weirdest nights in the Jackaroo house in a long time. It seems lately that I have not been able to sleep very well, or I should say getting to sleep has been hard. But last night just capped it all off.

Jim and Jack went to bed at 8:00 and I stayed up. Watched Lost (how creepy is that show anyway?). Then surfed the internet looking for Pottery Barns Train Junction bedding for the boy's room. Let me just say ebay doesn't seem to be any cheaper than the PBK online.

So about 11:00, I am thinking this is ridiculous and decided to take a book into the guest bedroom bed and read. My thought was that if I were horizontal reading, I would go to sleep within minutes like always. But no, at midnight, I finally turned the light out and laid there forcing myself to sleep. Finally.

2:30 am. I wake up wide awake! What in the world is up with that? So I get up and go check internet for a few minutes until Jim's alarm rings at 2:45. Yes poor thing had to be at work at 5 am today and he has at least an hour commute. So he gets up and gets ready, turn the tv on in the bedroom to watch the news. I am wide awake. He leaves about 3:30 and I lay in bed forcing myself to sleep again.

4:00 am. Jack starts screaming his head off. I wait a few minutes and realize this is the real thing. He needs me. So I go in there, and see that his diaper needs changing BADLY. So I change his diaper, go get a sippy of milk and put him back to bed.

5:00 am. I finally get back to sleep for another 2 hours of sleep. At 7:00, I am wide awake again. I give it up and decided to just get up and start the day with shower and coffee. Jack is going to my stay with my friend Janet today while I go do some accounting year end stuff where her husband works. Extra moola for the vacation fund.

Oh and now Jack is awake. Yay! Good Morning Everybody!


Anonymous said...

It's weird, but I've been having nights like that too! I've been staying up later and later because I can't sleep and my whole sleeping pattern is screwy. Let's hope it was a one time thing for you!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that strange about sleeping patterns? Your dad and I are having our problems in the sleeping field also. Your dad seems to still be operating on Pacific Time instead of EST since we returned from out west.