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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Toddler Bed Woes

Well we did it. We bought the toddler bed yesterday. Jim put it together (does anything come assembled anymore?) and put it in the middle of Jack's bedroom. He was soooo excited about it and kept climbing on it saying "my bed". I thought all was going to be good in the transistion, and it was... for about an hour.

So last night we went to change into jammies and get ready for bed. He climbed on the bed, under the mickey mouse quilt that his Uncle Bill made for him and he seemed very happy to go to sleep there. So we read some books and then I sang the "sleepy song" to him, kissed him and walked out the door. All was good for about 15 minutes.

And then he started to scream "Momma, Momma, Momma". I go in there and he is NOT a happy little boy. So I stayed with him for a little bit longer trying to soothe him down and he seemed like he was going to sleep. So I tiptoe out and all is good for 30 minutes this time.

So long story short, it didn't work. Finally about 10 pm, I gave up and moved the mattress back to his crib and put him in there where he slept for the rest of the night.

So my question is to those who have transitioned to the big bed, how did you do it? Or is it just that Jack is not ready for it yet? Jim's theory is that he squirms around so much in the crib and when he tried to do that on the bed he felt like he was going to fall off and got scared. Might have to move it against the wall and see what happens. But I don't think we will be trying to do the toddler bed again for a few nights.

Oh and my reaction to putting him in a big boy bed? Yeah, you guessed it, I ended up crying. I really thought I was ready for him to transistion to the bed, but maybe neither he nor I are ready just quite yet.


Kelli said...

I would love to hear what others say about the transition, too. We are moving Andrew to a big boy bed (twin bed) in February since we will need the crib for baby #2. I am a little nervous about it myself. I wish you the best!

Anonymous said...

We had a "bye bye crib party" and took the crib apart and put it away. He was in there as we took it down and put the bed together. At bedtime, I got in it with him and talked about his new bed and sleeping in it. We read about 4 or 5 books in there together. The first few nights were tough, I just had to stick it out. I would go in and find him asleep in random places. I would just pick him up and put him back in his bed. Once he was asleep in the spot where he would have been in his crib and it broke my heart! Anyway, I just kept putting him back in bed, if he got up and played I would let him for a bit and just steer him back to bed after a bit. Now, I say "bed time!" and he runs and climbs right in. He really seems to like having a bed and having that control. Ok, end of this longness!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, me again. I think I had to put the crib away so I wouldn't give in in the middle of the night. I knew I could put it back together if it truly wasnt working, but it helped me.

Nikki said...

sorry it didn't go so well. Olivia's in her toddler bed now. The transition went quite well...for about a week or two. Now she's constantly up. It takes about two hours to get her to settle down because she constantly gets out of bed to play with her toys; LOL. Once she's down; she's down though until morning. I hope it goes better when you try again!

Erin said...

I wish I had advice for you... but our toddler bed hasn't come yet... and I moved Ben's LIGHT to the other side of the room last night and he had issues going to bed. So needless to say, now I'm worried the kid just can't handle change of any kind. ;)