Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Today Jack screamed for over 3 hours straight. I kid you not. And I am not sure what the problem was either.

We got home today around 3pm. He did not get a nap before then because he was with my friend Janet who watched him for me while I helped out her husband again at work for a few hours. So when we got home, I put him straight down for a nap. I could tell he was really tired because his eyelids were turning purple (Jack's tired indicator light). He went right to sleep. At 4:30, I decided to wake him up because I didn't want him to sleep too late and then be too wired for bedtime. (This whole toddler sleep thing is a very delicate science ya know.) Well I guess that was NOT a good thing to do to a Jackaroo because the boy did not stop screaming from the time I got him up until I laid him back down for bedtime 15 minutes ago. Let me just say it again - OH MAH GAH!!!!

The boy can rattle my nerves and when Jim got home around 6:00, I was ready to throw Jack and a few animals out the window. I think they were all conspiring against me. Jack was screaming, the dog was knocking over the trash in the laundry room to get to the empty cat food can, the cats were jumping on the kitchen counter trying to eat the chicken I was cutting up for dinner. Oh and there was a really really awful smell coming from the trash in the kitchen that was totally gagging me. This was all at the same time!

Man oh man. I understand when they say SAHM is the hardest job in the world. Just trying to control the chaos in our lives is enough to drive us over the edge. Okay, now going to find some wine and relax and watch Lost that I didn't get to see last night.

1 comment:

Mrs. Flinger said...

Ohhh, yes, the joys of SAHM. The thing is, I brag about her, too. It's just that THOSE days, those screaming days? I get a *little* bit nutty. (Ok, fine a lot nutty.)

Amen for wine and lost. Wasn't it fab?!