Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Told Tat in a Tar

The words are forthcoming big time now from Jack. It is so much fun to watch him try to say a word for the first time and the concentration on his little face as he is forming the word is just priceless. However, there has been a trend in the last few weeks of replacing C's (K sounding C's) with T's.

So if he opens the door and it is cold outside he will say "burrr Told!".

If he is yelling (copying me actually) at the cats he will say "TAT!".

And his favorite word right now, right up there with choo choo is TAR! There are lots and lots of tars on the road. And he likes to play with all of his tars.

Slight problem with this. Jack has brainwashed me. Now when I see a car or when I go to say the word? I think and say TAR! The boy is rubbing off on me.

But in other news:

Last night when I was putting him to bed. I stayed there for a few minutes just stroking his face trying to get him to sleep and when I was leaving, I said "I love you Baby". And he lifted his head and said " I uv you" back to me. Ahhh those moments you just want to capture them and bottle them and keep forever. Not to mention you could probably make a fortune if you could mass produce em and sell em.


Claire said...

Just be glad his "t"s aren't "f"s, as Isaac's were for a good, long while. You have NO idea how many looks you get when your boy says "Fruck! Fruck!" every time a non-car-type vehicle rolls around.

Anonymous said...

Funny topic! The hubby and I were just talking this afternoon about how Mo's words have become part of our vocabulary. We were having lunch and the waitress brought something over and I almost said "tank-u" - Mo's version of thank you!

Anonymous said...

Haha! They are adorable, arn't they? Last night my mom asked beaux if he wanted some yo-yo and I was like "MOM!! ITS GO GO! NOT YO YO"
