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Monday, February 06, 2006

Domestic City

Somewhere along the line, I turned into a domesticated housewife. I guess it happened sometime after I quit my job, but whenever it did happen, I sure am domesticated today.

Take today for example. I got up this morning, made out a grocery list, cleaned up the kitchen, got Jack dressed and fed. Then we went off to the Commissary to get groceries. I try to only go big-time grocery shopping once or twice a month and then just buy the milk and bread type stuff in between commissary trips. So because of this, my trips to the commissary usually last about an hour and a half of actual shopping. With Jack tagging along!

We got back from the grocery-shopping trip about 1:00 and nap was taken in the car (damn!) so Jack was raring to go. It took me about 45 minutes to unload the groceries and put them away. And during this time, I had to tell Jack "NO" 327 times. One of those times, I had to yell at him because he was busy filling the dog's water dish with the dry dog food - about 5 lbs of it! All this and I didn't lose my patience once! Quite remarkable, I think.

I also accomplished today 3 loads of laundry, playing choo choos and cars with the boy, and getting dinner on the table. As I was sitting here tonight after the boys went to bed, I just had to wonder if my college self would like my present-day self. The college self who was going to conquer the world with my business suits and knowledge of accounting and the thought of spending a day like today was really nowhere in my thought process. But I just have to say that I am sooooo much happier today than that little girl playing dress up in business suits.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I wonder that sometimes myself. "Did I really go through all that crap to get a Ph.D. so I could do this?" When I was psycho-college girl, and even in graduate school before I had Isaac, I was quite certain I would be a career woman. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be a stay-at-home mom.

But then I had Isaac, and I realized that I really had no idea what I had been talking about. Funny how quickly none, NONE of it mattered in comparison to my little boy. Being home with him certainly has its challenges and its doldrums, but every day my husband and I spontaneously tell each other how incredibly happy we are that I get to stay home with him.