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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Saga .... It Continues ...

I had no idea that the switch to the toddler bed would be THIS hard.

We again tried to sleep in the big boy bed last night. I thought all was well. He was so excited about the bed. He kept patting it and saying "big boy bed". We read books while he was laying in it. Then we sang the sleepy song. I turned out the light. And then I took Claire's advice and stayed in the rom with him until I was sure he was asleep - about a half hour. So I tiptoed out of the room and thought - Success. Yay.

UNTIL 12:30 am, I awake to him screaming like crazy. Not just the usual scream, but absolutely terrified scream. I get up and realize that he has closed his door and he is inside trying frantically to get out. He hasn't figured out how to open our doors yet. I have no idea how long he had been trying to get out, but by the time I got to him, he was almost unconsolable. And WOULD NOT go back into his room. Period. So I took him back to our room and went to the bathroom. He was so cute and had his doggie with him and said "tired Mama". My heart broke. So I decided to take him into the guest bedroom so Jim could get some sleep. He absolutely screamed his head off because he thought we were going back to HIS room. But he stopped as soon as we walked right by his room.

So there we are with Jack, me, Doggie, and the real doggies, and a kitty ALL of us on the bed. And Jack will not go to sleep. At all. So for an hour, we lay there singing and talking. He was very very talkative at 1 in the morning. I finally ask him if he wants to go back to the crib and he nods his head. Yay! So, back to the room we go. I transfer the mattress to the crib yet again. He gets in and seemed happy.

I don't quite trust that he is going back to bed, so I get up and get on the internet for another 30 minutes just to make sure he is fully asleep.

So, I guess my question is, do I continue trying to force the toddler bed or just give it up and realize that he just is not ready for the big boy bed? He is so excited about the concept of the bed because he talks about it all the time, but when it comes right down to sleeping in the thing, he just won't or can't for some reason. Oy!


Periwinkle Jen said...

We gave Ryan a choice every night and every nap to sleep in his crib or in his big boy bed. He would choose the crib every time for several days. When he was ready I was actually shocked, but we did it and he hasn't gone back or had any problems being in the big boy bed. We also put in a brighter night light so he could see and orient himself if he woke up.
It might be that he is just not ready yet.

Claire said...

Oh my! Poor Dawn, poor Jack, poor hubby! I agree with sounds like you have given it the old college try and it's just not working out (though I am glad I could be a tad bit of help). I like Jen's suggestion of giving him a choice. Eventually, I'm sure, he'll choose the toddler bed.

We also have a night light in Isaac's room. It is not so bright that it keeps him from sleeping, but it is bright enough that he can see where he's going when (notice how I don't say 'if') he gets up at night.