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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Anybody Lost?

Anybody watch Lost last night? Oh my goodness what a good show. So many questions and very little answers.

* Wow Libby gave Desmond the boat. And is her dead husband, Dave, the same Dave that Hurley saw as his imaginary friend? And did Hurley kill Dave in his "accident" on the balcony?

* And what about Desmond's girlfriend in the last scene? What does she have to do with the whole thing? Is her father part of the Dharma thing? Who were those guys in the artic or wherever they were?

* Wasn't that a cool scene when the hatch blew up? The sky went totally white and things falling out of the sky. Way cool.

* What powers does Walt have? Will Michael and Walt get rescued? What is going to happen to Kate and the boys? Why did they let Hurley go? Is Locke and Eko dead? Where is Sayid, Sun, and Jin? What does the the numbers have to do with anything?

* If the Others are the good guys, are the Dharma people the bad guys? And where does that leave the Losties?

I guess we did find out what happens when they don't push the button and a possible explanation of why the plane crashed. But why is everybody interlinked with everybody else? And did anybody else think that the pile of tubes with the notebooks were a bit freaky? And what was with that big bird who said Hurley's name?

And from what I heard we have to wait until November for the new season to start!!! Awesome show!

1 comment:

Erin said...

November? I will surely die...

It was SOOOo good... I'm still processing it! ;)