Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, May 01, 2006

One more proof he is not a Baby Anymore

It looks like we may just have done it. The IT being transitioning Jack to the toddler bed full time. He very happily slept in the toddler bed last night - all night, without getting up once. And this morning? I knew he was awake because I heard him, but Daddy was home this morning so I wanted to spend some ummm "quality time" with him, so we ignored him. And the oh-so-great kid of ours just laid there in his bed talking to his animals. Not sure if he will be that oh-so-great kid all the time, but he was last night and this morning.

So Daddy said this morning that we should take down the crib so he doesn't have a choice. Of course my fear rose just thinking about that. What? No more caging the child when I want to? What will I do? So I thought that I would test it at naptime and voila - the kid went down without too much of a fight. He did cry a little bit, but I gave him a sippy of milk and all was well with the world again. That is the next fight we are going to have - no more sippies at night or naptime. But one battle at a time right?

So, I guess the time has come to tear down the crib. Part of me wants to cry because he is so not a baby anymore, while the other part wants to rejoice because now I can redecorate his room! And have room for a new bookcase to house his growing collection of books that are scattered all over.

Excuse me while I go to plan out the decorating process AND cry!


Carolyn said...

I am so nervous about the toddler bed transition. We are starting to look for one and will probably work on it after we get settled in the new house. I'm curious, did Jack used to wake up and play in his crib like that or did he cry to get out? Brandon NEVER plays in his crib anymore...he just wakes up and starts screaming to be removed. I'm hoping at least that will go away when he moves to a bed.

Anonymous said...

Jack will do fine if he doesn't have a choice of beds. I laugh about the caging in for Jackroo. He is growing up so fast. It can bring tears to his grammy when I think back just a short two years ago.

Anonymous said...

Glad the toddler bed transition is working out. We haven't ventured there yet.

Claire said...

Ladies, ladies... toddler beds RULE. What would I do without my precious little thomp-thomp-thomp of Isaac-feet, instead of constant mommy-get-me-out screaming, announcing that he is done with his nap? And it really didn't take long at all for Isaac to understand that he needed to stay in bed for sleeping purposes. Now he even puts himself to bed on rare occasions. What a treat that is for his poor mommy!