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Monday, May 22, 2006

Peaceful Grocery Shopping on a Rainy Day

It is raining today! I know in some parts of the country that statement doesn't warrant an exclamation point, but this is southern california and since it only rains for 2 weeks out of the year and since those 2 weeks have passed, it warrants that exclamation point.

So, because it is raining today that means I will not be doing the power stroller walk around the lake today. Oh darn (snicker snicker). I do have to take Laura to school this morning through the rain and traffic which will be four times as bad because we live in southern california with people who have no idea what to do with that drop of rain on their windshields, their only response is to STOP, A LOT.

But, the good thing about the day? I am dropping Jack off with Mam, the daycare lady, today and going on my monthly trek to the Commissary for groceries! I get a peaceful grocery trip! How exciting is that? I know that those of you out there who do not have toddlers at the moment, do not quite understand the gravity of the toddler-free grocery trip, but trust me, it is worth celebrating for. I can meander the aisles and fill my cart up to the brink (they need bigger carts for people like me who buy A LOT) and not have to worry about my child opening the packages of fruit cups and spilling it all over himself, me, and the innocent bystanders around us (yes that has actually happened). Or the incessant whining for a cookie, juice, or whatever else is the whine of the moment. AND, when I get home, I get to put away the 6000 bags of groceries without a toddler throwing meltdown tantrums at my feet in front of the refrigerator. Ahhh, pure bliss.

You know, before having a child, grocery shopping was not quite so eventful nor exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say - I hated grocery shopping before Mo, and I still hate it! I actually enjoy taking her (sometimes) because it's a nice distraction from the shopping part.