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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Saga Continues

Well a new drama considering Jim's nasal surgery is unfolding. It seems the reason that his doctor was out of town because he was about to lose his contract with the insurance companies because he was charging too much money for his procedures. And because of all this, most of his staff is leaving, along with the good Dr. Larue who shouldn't be in this country as a doctor. So that whole thing is up in the air. It is looking like he is going to be forced to go to the VA, which he is not wanting to do. But as I have always said, getting back to breathing is just a weee bit important.

Speaking of the military stuff, I lost my military ID card which gets me into the commissary and exchange to buy goodies at a much reduced cost. I was on my way to get groceries today and wouldn't you know it, it wasn't in my wallet. I know I had it a week and a half ago when Jim and I were there and I had it in my pocket because you have to show it to them coming in and out. Well it didn't get from my pocket to my wallet this time and I have no idea where it is. I have searched the laundry, bedroom, every single pocket I own, and no card. Arggghhh. I was forced to buy laundry detergent at civilian prices! Oh My Gah! Literally it is half off at the commissary.

We also have been trying to deal with Dodge/Chrysler about our new van's dvd system. You see when we bought it, they couldn't get the wireless headphones to work and we have taken it in there now 4 times trying to get the right ones. I guess Chrysler really screwed up the dvd systems because they have like 12 different systems all with different remotes and headphones. Well finally today they had to take a remote from one system and headphones from another system and voila they work on OUR system. So now we don't have to listen to Winnie the Pooh for 5000 miles on our road trip next month. Can you say Yay!

Other than that, haven't been up to much. I went to the Power Stroller Walk yesterday morning. I haven't been doing that the last few weeks, because I just couldn't justify driving 20 miles just to walk when I can do it here at home. With the way the gas prices are, it is about $6 to just drive there and back! Horrible! Anyway, I was in the neighborhood yesterday because I had to take Laura to school in the morning. I did have a great time walking with the other mothers. It makes those miles go so much faster when you have somebody to talk to about pregnancy, birthing, poop, lack of sleep, and toddlerhood!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about quitting Curves and walking each day instead. I just wish I had someone to walk with. It makes it more fun. I hope you can get another military card to get your groceries at a much lower price. We hope Jim can soon have his surgery so he can breath before the big trip next month.