Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Mine! That is the word I have heard all day today. It has started - the sibling rivarly thing between Laura and Jack. Laura picks up one of his toys and suddenly Jack HAS to have THAT toy that is in his sister's hands at THAT moment. And he then screams MINE until she gives him that toy. And then it starts all over again as soon as she picks up another toy of his. It doesn't matter if he hasn't played with that particular toy in days, he just doesn't want his sister to have it. Oh boy! This phase is going to be fun. And what makes it even more fun is when you are suffering from a head cold and you have a headache that is gonna explode your head any minute. Yeah it is just loads of fun!


Anonymous said...

Babybeaux just learned "me!" He says it all.the.time. It's cute, but ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! over and over does get old.

-LGirl- said...

Ain't having a second child in the house fun! Number one had nobody to fight with... Ahhh.. I remember those days!

What DID you name the cat anyway?

Jack's Mom said...

LOL Liels, funny you should ask that about the cat. Because we really don't know what the name is at this point. It was going to be Sassy, then Jim liked Spaz because basically he totally spazzes out over food. But I just ended up saying "the kitten". So who knows maybe a name will stick. Poor thing huh?