Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Wait Is About Over

I have to go pick up Jim from the airport in about an hour. I swear it has been over 2 months instead of the 2.5 weeks that he has been gone. Since he has been gone, I have fought a serious sinus infection, dealt with serious staff shortages at work making work a very hellish place, dealt with Jack and his tantrums, took him to the doctor for his checkup, and spent a weekend at Disneyland. Yep it had to be 2 months or it feels like it anyway.

So I picked up Jack today from daycare and she told me that he hadn't had much of a nap and he was about ready to go down when I got there. I thought it was perfect since we have to go to the airport at 8:00 tonight. So I come home and he is crying and grabbing my legs (The Signs of Naptime). I put him down but of course no go. No nap! But instead I have this incredibly whiny toddler on my hands. I am sure when we are ready to walk out the door, he will then be ready to go down.

Just when I thought that summer was over (thank goodness), it came back in full force today. It has been only in the low 80's around here - absolutely perfect weather. But today it went back up to 103 and along came the Santa Anna winds. Those strong winds that just blow all the hot air all over the place. Oh Joy, I get to turn the air conditioning back on and spend another gazillion dollars on that. Yay!

Well I am off because I have a certain toddler screaming in my ear and trying to take over the keyboard.

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