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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Back to Normal and More Stress

It is good to have Jim back home. We picked him up from the airport last night. His plane was about 30 minutes delayed so Jack had a whole lot of fun running all over the airport waiting area entertaining the other people there. I also think they were laughing at ME running all over trying to catch up to him and make sure he didn't go out the door or up the escalator or ride the baggage carousel. Yeah Jack and I provided a good 45 minutes of entertainment for those people that is for sure. And when Jim showed up, Jack was a smiles to see Daddy. I mentioned in the car on the way to the airport that we were going to see Daddy and he kept saying "Dada" over and over again. I think the boy missed his Daddy.

We also found out tonight that we are going to have Laura live with us again indefinitely because her mother is not doing very well. I do really love having Laura with us because she provides a sense of a complete family when she is here. However, it does bring a lot of stress. Namely getting her to and from school and her cheer practice. Her school is 20 miles away in the opposite direction of both of our works. So getting her to school and picking her up after school can be a problem of logistics. Also she has cheer practice for 2.5 hours every Monday and Wednesday. I am thinking she may just have to drop that because I really don't know how all that is going to get done while trying to work and also take care of Jack. But we will see and work it out. My heart goes out to the girl because I can't imagine how scary it is for her at this time. Her mother has this dreaded disease that could take her away forever and she is shuffled from one house to another. She is coping pretty good on the outside, but I am sure she is keeping things inside a lot. It is a lot to take for a 9 year old girl. I hope that we can provide a sense of stability for her that she really needs at this time and that her mother does let her live with us for awhile and not do the back and forth thing that she has been doing. But I will stop right there in talking about her mother because I could write a book about the woman and ya'll don't wanna read that book I can assure you.

So its gonna be a bit stressful around here and I will try to see the humor in it all and relate all the stresses and frazzled mommy moments on here. I am sure there are going to be a lot of em.

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